Friday, November 19, 2010

no shave november.

slash part of october. i haven't shaved in for-ev-er. and it's ew. my legs look like a man. though i can't cave in and shave because then i'll feel like a total loser and people will be ashamed of me. so its a good thing i got new jeans! and nylon tights!

but you wanna know what sucks about wearing nylon tights? i get a bazillion comments on how "your legs look wrinkly, why are you wearing those?!" i just wanna slap a baby chicken everytime someone acknowledges my legs and i have to reply with "i haven't shaved."
but the totally awesome thing about not shaving.. is seeing people's reactions when you tell them, or show them, your nast legs that haven't been bothered in weeeks. haha i've gotten some good ones!

but seriously. no shave november better end fast. and  please remind me to never do this again. kthanksbye.

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