Tuesday, July 27, 2010

its magic, the magic of muuuusic

Marvelous Musical Mansion.
BEST movie. A childhood favorite. Right up there with Blue Clues.

My sister, Lauren, and I were up last night talking. And we somehow came to "hey, remember that one 'Magical Music Mansion' show or whatever?!" We looked for it on Youtube, and HECK YES, they had it! We stayed up watching it. Well, at least I did. Laur-us fell asleep.
Anywho, this movie, is seriously soo great! It's so cheesy, and silly, they make the funniest facial expressions.. and they sing like every 2 seconds! {It's somewhat obnoxious.} But I love it.

1 comment:

Natali Puga said...

I remember loving this moves in Mrs. Hooper's class.
Like like like.